Little Women: A Petite Lingerie Discovery

Recently, Christie Herbert (Cici PR) sent me some information about the Little Women Lingerie brand, and it sparked a chord, not a lingerie chord, but a literary one. I immediately thought of Louisa May Alcott’s book, Little Women. She was a pioneer when it came to expressing feminine thought.  So, I searched on and discovered a 30-year-old British retail store that specializes in Petite Lingerie. The store is anchored by its proprietary collection, aptly named (wait for it), Little Women!

Generally, I don’t write about product I haven’t reviewed firsthand, but the Petite market is such an underserved group, pigeonholed into an afterthought of bigger brands or developed for the teenage taste level.  The desire of the small breasted woman to own pretty bras constructed for their unique body structure is far greater than the usual graded down misfitting options.

Ten years ago, when Caroline Jackson purchased the brand, she did so with entrepreneurial intent. With a background as a woman’s apparel buyer, she was inspired by the ethos and niche of the existing Little Women petite focus.

“Little Women is absolutely predicated on the petite customer and our own brand designs are specifically designed to take into account the differences in physiology of a person who wears a small cup.”

The sizing is laser focused ranging 28-44, A-AAA cups.

Produced in Latvia and Hong Kong, two factories have exclusively handled the manufacturing since the company’s inception. Caroline’s rapport with the factories speaks volumes to the continuity of the product quality and flow.

Little Women may not be a world-famous bestselling novel, but it’s devotion and to our small breasted sisters’ intimates needs is absolute.

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